Well, stress... B-)
2006, Feb 21 (Tue) - Let's...
... sit down and have a talk about your study in the first half of this semester...
Oh recess week...
2006, Feb 11 (Sat) - Career
I went to the VNC career workshop this evening. In my view, it was good as it gave me some small career-related details for which I'd been looking for so long.
Still one question remains: which path should I take? Short-term goals and long-term aims...
A senior made a very interesting suggestion about my career when we chit-chatted about career paths, hers and mine. That suggestion sounds... beyond my imagination :-&... Thanks for that, I'll think about it sometimes :D B-).
2006, Feb 10 (Fri) - Competition
It's a competition participated by all of 'em: true interests, chosen majors, further study, desire for relaxation (due to the process of ageing )...
Which path should May go? Will there ever be a so-called big switch? Sometimes she feels she's ready for retirement ^_^.