Transparent picture

Hang in there (and yawn)

Things slow down in December. So does my brain.

Things get blurred in the pouring rain. So does my presence.

I start to think about the time when I retire, and picture myself making a living by taking photos for kids at a park where ducks quack around me. I don't think I'll like that. The picture lacks something, or someone.

I temporarily lose my passion for everything. I miss the time when I zestfully left my hair damp from the rain, crawling on my knees and belly in the middle of a lawn, attempting to shoot photos of red-eyed flies and raindrops. Rain is not the reason. The picture lacks something, or someone.

I desperately am looking for a macro lens. I just had a thought that I might fall in love with anyone who gives me a Tamron SP 90mm or a Canon EF 100mm. It might boost my ego a little bit, or help me find the passion for images again.

The rain seeps though a spider web, yet pieces of music just don't seep through me. Someone says I could capture the beauty in my own world through my viewfinder, but in fact my own world is merely flat, with roads white with pebbles and knee-high grass running rampant. Wild and insipid. The picture lacks something, or someone.

"The piano keys are black and white
But they sound like a million colors in your eyes..."

When's that?


Alessandro Thursday, December 13, 2007 6:57:00 PM  

Relax ! Higher grade lens will not boost your ego. Just relax and keep looking for beauties in ordinary things. Owning a DSRL means you'll feel the NEED of taking more and better pictures (and you did), but it also means you'll lose your passionate, somehow. So, keep in mind that what you want is to capture your beautiful world, and a camera, lenses are merely helpful tools. And relax. You'll find something, or someone in your pictures again, sometime.
Am I writing nonsense again, am I not ??

PC Friday, December 14, 2007 10:51:00 AM  

oops, world wide WEB? worthwhile work! well, wait & watch, wishes would works!

Meo con Friday, December 14, 2007 11:04:00 AM  

or are you looking for that someone? ;) beautiful writing!

Katie Tran Friday, December 14, 2007 5:08:00 PM  

Chị thích đọc bài của em, tiếng Anh lẫn tiếng Việt, lúc buồn lẫn lúc vui :)

William Friday, December 14, 2007 7:53:00 PM  

cho em boc tem hihi. Tam anh nay rat dep chi a, em save vao roi, vay la co them 1 tam nua trong bo suu tam nhung buc anh chi chup cua em khekhekhe...
Bai viet cung hay nua, nhung hinh nhu no duom buon`....

May Sunday, December 16, 2007 9:33:00 AM  

@ Hiep: Không buồn, mà là chán em ạ. Thỉnh thoảng lên cơn như thế...
@ Nhiem: You always write nonsense, but I like that ;-). I've always said that a good camera and a good lens don't necessarily produce a good photo. It's still true. All I need is something new, which might boost my ego a bit, and that something new should be usable, so a macro lens sounds like a good idea.
@ Chi: My tongue twisted so much that I can't say a word for now, but thanks ;-).
@ Huong: Thank you, and yeah I'm looking. Would you wanna be my photography model :P?
@ Katie: Hì cám ơn chị, em chỉ thỉnh thoảng hứng lên nhảm tý thôi :).

Anonymous Saturday, January 09, 2010 1:28:00 AM  

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!