2005, Dec 28 (Wed) - Poised

                                                                                                  Just be poised...


[Taken on 27/11/2005 – West Coast Park]

2005, Dec 24 (Sat) - Colors, simply

The beauty of colors...

[Bugis 23/12/2005]

2005, Dec 23 (Fri) - Somethin' different

A quiet yet colorful corner in Bugis. Looks like a corner in Southern America. Somethin' different from the bustling life around it.

[Bugis 23/12/05]

2005, Dec 13 (Tue) - Why not window-shopping?

These will explain...

1. Our eyes overworks.

2. It gives us bruises because of hitting and being hit by others shoppers.

3. It causes headaches as shopping malls give CO2 as a promotion.

4. Shops' all kinds of smells follow us home.

5. It takes a huge amount of time.

6. It costs us pretty much, not because of shopping itself but of buying drinks, having a bite of snacks, transporting, and all petty things under the sun it can be.

7. It frustrates us somehow as we can just simply look at or touch the stuff sold and give ourselves a consoling smile, imagining someday far away it will be ours.

8. It takes up our modest memory capacity as it seeems that we are then capable of remembering an unnecessarily big number of prices.

9. It gives our bosses an impression that we have too much spare time, either to go window-shopping or simply to read ads and with all effort plan the long trip.

10. Ultimately, it is highly probable that we shall often bump into not-want-to-bump-into people who go window-shopping like we do. Some bosses? Possible.


2005, Dec 09 (Fri) - Nothin' is better...

                                                                          Tấn Minh

... than at the same time drinking milk, drawing and lulling myself to a sweet though sad world with the voice I've always been loving. It'd be perfect if it's raining outside. Despite the fact that I don't usually listen to current Vietnamese songs and what I like are pieces of music composed in our country's good old days, I love all songs he sings. He is young yet has a fantastic voice - skilful, genuine, emotional, and mature in a very special way. He is not that famous in public, but why does it matter to me?! Melodious ballads become especially restful to my ears when he sings. I've made lots of comparisons, and I know my senses have never gone wrong. 

It's the same today. It's raining and again, by a mug of milk, I'm listening to him. A lingeringly sweet voice... The voice that brightens my morning...

2005, Dec 09 (Fri) - :((

1. I went to University Health & Wellness Center this afternoon to get some jokes by Dr. Tan and lots of medicine for my rashes. Taking medicine to alleviate allergy will definitely make you sleep for hours and hours, while I've already been notorious for being a hybernating bear for quite a long time. One is to sleep, the other is to scratch the itchy rashes - Hmm...

2. One of the 3 fish I am keeping for Hieu Idol just died today. A sorrowful goodbye to Mr. Beauty. It is impossible that they starved since I fed 'em every 2 days as instructed. The other two were still super-strong and as greedy as fierce wolves, while the most beautiful one became a total retard day by day - he (well, just take it as a "he") didn't even care to eat though food was right in front of his small mouth. The reason must've been our changing of water before Hieu left for HN. It's likely that we put in too much tap water while keeping too little filtered water for the 3 fish. Anyway, spare one minute to cry for my Mr. Beauty :((. Hieu, I swear I didn't mean to kill him in order to get something to put in my bowl of hot instant noodle like you'd always done 8-}. Anyway I'm awfully sorry for his short life - I love him too :(.

A question just popped up: who will take him away? I don't dare to, and he's floating in the water :((

2005, Dec 07 (Wed) - Moo...

                                                          Source: http://random.hackish.org/albums/


Now I know... Sad though relieved... Anyway, just be the me I used to be.

What is the point of chasing after something that you know for sure there's little probability that you can get?

From Joey ("Friends"): "It's a moo point. It's nothing. It's like a cow's point. It's... moo!"

Had better spend time on other stuff which is worth the effort then.

Thơ thẩn (Sleepy...)

Feelin' sleepy... Remembering a morning a month ago when half sleeping half thinking of an unidentified person...


Sleepiness, how I belong to you
Just when the air is wonderfully pure
When the sun is high upon my window pane
You find me, sweetly like the rain...

Sleepiness... you, like one who’s mature
Who tries hard to work and endure
With me, who resists in vain

A daydreamer... will I ever change?...


2005, Dec 03 (Sat) - Swimming?

The weather is fantastic for anyone who wants to have a stroll on Orchard Road or along the Singapore River, but not for me, who wants to go swimming. The sun doesn't say clearly whether he wants to come out from behind the grey clouds. I don't like playing hide-and-seek, and I, of course, have no feelin' for his deadly rays. Breezes are cool though. Still I might want to give it a shot...

Gentle warning: Whoever sees me in the swimming pool, for your own safety please stay away at least 3 meters from me, or else you'll see and know more 'bout a bull-headed Ga^'u. Well, have already been notorious in the pool :-|.

'05/12/02, Fri - Start anew

Start anew after a few times... Well, a long path ahead...

[Taken on a Sunday afternoon in West Coast Park]