2005, Dec 09 (Fri) - :((

1. I went to University Health & Wellness Center this afternoon to get some jokes by Dr. Tan and lots of medicine for my rashes. Taking medicine to alleviate allergy will definitely make you sleep for hours and hours, while I've already been notorious for being a hybernating bear for quite a long time. One is to sleep, the other is to scratch the itchy rashes - Hmm...

2. One of the 3 fish I am keeping for Hieu Idol just died today. A sorrowful goodbye to Mr. Beauty. It is impossible that they starved since I fed 'em every 2 days as instructed. The other two were still super-strong and as greedy as fierce wolves, while the most beautiful one became a total retard day by day - he (well, just take it as a "he") didn't even care to eat though food was right in front of his small mouth. The reason must've been our changing of water before Hieu left for HN. It's likely that we put in too much tap water while keeping too little filtered water for the 3 fish. Anyway, spare one minute to cry for my Mr. Beauty :((. Hieu, I swear I didn't mean to kill him in order to get something to put in my bowl of hot instant noodle like you'd always done 8-}. Anyway I'm awfully sorry for his short life - I love him too :(.

A question just popped up: who will take him away? I don't dare to, and he's floating in the water :((