Lights and night


  Reflection   NUS - UCC

Do some thinkin'...

Today someone complains about her job.

Today someone tells me he's got his new job, which I guess would bring him more satisfaction. I'm happy for him.

Today I walk to the construction site and see faces covered with sweat of workers in the middle of many happy faces - of hassle-free students, mothers coming home after work, husbands coming back to wives. The workers work days and nights, looking sad and exhausted, yet they don't blurt out a complaint. I search for info about their average salaries and am astonished by the fact.


Who leaves his gloves?
NUS - Faculty of Engineering

Someone says their jobs are ZEROES. I say they are all HEROES.

Photo: Black / White

NUS - Under Central Library

A picture is not complete without a frame.
One is not identified without a name.

Arts, however, can still be absolutely fine with just black and white. Light works wonders.

So can life. Some say life is perfect with things seen in light and dealt with in black and white, but is it always so? At times one is bewitched by something blurred and difficult to understand. Some beauty just can't be explained...


This entry is to remind me that it was the n-th time in 4 years it'd rained when I planned to go to the supermarket, hmm hmm... What was wrong with the decision to go buy and stock some food while it was next to nothing inside the fridge? In some way or another, it managed to rain in the morning, which lowered the temperature and made me find nothing better to do than to go back and sleep Image... Of course I overslept... Perhaps the end of the story doesn't have to be told =(

I love the rain, but why the hell can it not be a dry day for just once when I plan to go to the supermarket??? The myth remains :-s

Photo: Irresistible pink

Pink spring

Hoa gì đấy ở Faculty of Engineering...

Đội mưa chụp ảnh cũng thích :-)

Happy b'day

Happy birthday to you!!!!!!!


... The first time my trip to a place had been broken down into so many short trips...

... The first time I'd seen and stayed in such a humble place which was proudly called a hotel :D...

... The first time I'd felt as if I'd been at home while overseas...

... The first time I'd seen such a simple yet novel beauty of a big old ship...

... The first time I'd seen guys take care so much of their skin in the sunshine :))...

... The first time I'd walked thru the border between 2 countries in the middle of the night...

... The first time I'd entered a closed shopping center at 4am...

... The first time I'd been homeless for a day and night and waited for the sun to rise on Orchard Road...

... And the first time I'd liked a trip with all of its miseries :).