Never are you a VIP


Now life is ever changing in your eyes.

You've been indulging yourself dreadfully until "Bamm!" - you find yourself in the middle of nowhere. While people around you move on and on, you stay in put and keep wondering which way to go. Not until the moment you feel like a fish out of water do you realize you gotta lift your finger and do something, which means quitting all the goddamn thinking processes. You leave your cloud-cuckoo-land, where you used to live with confidence in your qualities, and your eyes now get fixed on the only line in black and white: you must chase.

Yet it isn’t just in a blink of an eye that you could find your way out and prove yourself. Various disguised obstacles hinder your steps, and you subsequently feel as though a cloud was hangin’ over you. You listen to many more melancholic melodies, and you, “beyond all expectations”, become an insipid old bore. Fortunately, you haven’t totally lost your energy. You persevere with efforts to appear and stay cool in any situation as you know you have to – you think you're able to keep your life in balance by having yourself involved in a lot of different things. Day in, day out you have a finger in every pie, and you suppose that your life is going on just fine. "Nice try," you might think sometimes.

Then there comes another “Bamm!” One evening, while you’re alone in the dark, you rethink your days and finally realize: you've got none in hand. You are not balanced, and all your strides haven't yet led to any result - it feels like you’re being whipped with merely facts which are hard to accept. Why are others there while I'm here? It would be presumptuous of you to comment on them, so you blame yourself and the so-called fate instead. You’ve reached the point where your thinking habit is being a real pain and you’re freaking exhausted being ensnared in thoughts at all times. You’d thought too much before you did something… You see, you gotta learn the phrase “Just do it!”

You are just a teeny weeny little person, no VIP, not even an IP, and you should learn to be a bigger self than yesterday’s. Forget about all smug guys who think the sky is beneath their limits. Forget about social standards. It is way too corny to say this, yet it’s undeniable: every trial is a worthwhile lesson - you face and defeat your own self first, and try not to coax yourself into avoiding toughies, ever.