2006, Jan 19 (Thu) - A project group :|



Group leader: T

Group members: U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Group rules:

- Be puntual

- Be responsible

- Attend all meetings

- If absent, state reasonable excuses

- Blah blah blah

- Not be a free rider

Note: A free rider is a group member who doesn't follow the group rules

Penalty: depending on the level of free riding

If you agree with all the terms, pls sign below.


And I signed Image.


* This is a project group in NKS - National Kindergarten of Singapore. The contract is composed by the group leader and signed by group members. No teacher is involved. Phe'p vua thua le^. la`ng.


qw Thursday, January 19, 2006 6:19:00 PM  

Thieu' mat mot cai rule quan trong ...

May Friday, January 20, 2006 7:00:00 PM  

La gi a?
Thieu cai gi cu' cho het vao phan "Blah blah blah" anh a, rules no nhieu lam, em ko nho het. Chi nho la cu' nham mat ky' da.i cho xong :(