Rambling on


1. Happy moments and mishaps are just like tangled roses - they circle around you, and you don't know how to get out. In fact, you don't need to get out. You don't know what tomorrow is gonna be until tomorrow really comes - life unfolds as each day passes by. The unexpected. Isn't that what we are living for?

2. This time last year I lost my cell, and yesterday I lost something, much bigger. It wasn't an object but what I'd been sweating for. If you've ever had your diary soaked in the rain, you'd understand. Anyway, either it's a busy month for thieves or it's me who always turn out to be blah blah in December.

3. C: Well I think you cannot do anything now in any way. So, don't you think it is better to think of something else?
M: No holiday mood, totally .
C: Keep going, keep going...
M: Nah it's gone with the thief...
C: Oh c'mon... Don't you know that you have to take more effort to wear a sad face than a smiling one? You have to move at least 17 muscles.
M: I kinda know, but it's hard to lift the muscles up.
C: Start from the cheeks, now lift them up! It sounds stupid but sometimes works.
M: Err, you know, I heard they say if you can't smile, hold a pencil across your mouth... It just seems that I can't do it properly.
C: Ahaha
C: Uhm I'm not sure it works. I'm trying but...
M: Oh you're trying!
C: I can still keep the mouth closed!
C: Nope, definitely does not work .
M: You have to keep your mouth open.
C: Ahh... Seems more difficult!
M: It is not, but then you might start drooling...
C: Oh nooo... actually drooling...
M: Haha, I know!
C: Hey... "Haha"? What's that? Perhaps...
C: ... a smile?
M: No, I laughed!

4. Just when I was so determined to get my dream lens (this kind of stuff is always an impulsive buy, by the way), either the shops ran out of stock or the lens was like $100 overpriced. I might plunk down part of the savings on a whim, but if it's meant to be, it'll be. If not, letting time pass by doesn't sound bad. No, not at all.

5. She's just gorgeous. I never believed in having a girlfriend - what I can recall is that girlfriends tend to overdose on gossiping and shopping, which I would say I don't like, if hate. She changed my mind. We share the same love and hate, from photography, the only certain kinds of stuff that forcefully make us drag our legs outdoors to do the so-called shopping, the exact colors that make our favorite palette, to how we are against being taken photos of. I don't like good-looking faces, but I do like her sharp and pretty features. She loves the handicrafts I picked up for her home design. It's hard to believe I could move from cafe to cafe with a smoker for four straight hours, exchanging words and truly enjoying the evening without having to shoot any photo to satisfy myself.

6. It is neither warm nor cool - everyday is a cloudy day with a few drizzles here and there. After four weeks of rain, I start to miss the sharp-edged sun, or at least the warm sunbeams in October in Hanoi. I especially miss the vibrant faces of people riding bikes to work in the first autumn sun rays between rows of leafy trees. I never know why light has such a luminous quality - it radiates gold on faces, it conveys emotions.

7. There is no seventh thing to say... It just feels good to type "seven".

Transparent picture

Hang in there (and yawn)

Things slow down in December. So does my brain.

Things get blurred in the pouring rain. So does my presence.

I start to think about the time when I retire, and picture myself making a living by taking photos for kids at a park where ducks quack around me. I don't think I'll like that. The picture lacks something, or someone.

I temporarily lose my passion for everything. I miss the time when I zestfully left my hair damp from the rain, crawling on my knees and belly in the middle of a lawn, attempting to shoot photos of red-eyed flies and raindrops. Rain is not the reason. The picture lacks something, or someone.

I desperately am looking for a macro lens. I just had a thought that I might fall in love with anyone who gives me a Tamron SP 90mm or a Canon EF 100mm. It might boost my ego a little bit, or help me find the passion for images again.

The rain seeps though a spider web, yet pieces of music just don't seep through me. Someone says I could capture the beauty in my own world through my viewfinder, but in fact my own world is merely flat, with roads white with pebbles and knee-high grass running rampant. Wild and insipid. The picture lacks something, or someone.

"The piano keys are black and white
But they sound like a million colors in your eyes..."

When's that?

Serious conversation


- Turn your head, please, so that I could take a photo of ya...
- No.
- Your face doesn't look good and clean. Can you go wash your face?
- No.
- Smile?
- No.

But when I asked if he could show me how big his belly was, he bent backwards and breathed in to make his belly look like a frog's. Then he gave me a proud smile.


That's it. No more thinkin'.

When life turns sour, add in some lime pulp blended w/ mayo and vinegar. Don't ask me what kinda drink that is. Instead, give me ice cubes.

Just trying to sound complicated. Well, simply I need a break from my corny cheesy pathetic way of living.

As simple as that...

Bar 061-1

For years back. And for today.

Black means fullness

Black means fullness

Without black, a picture misses its precious audience, who has the best view of contrast in lighting - the color blind.


Tropical summer

I've got my Flickr account pro-ed today. It feels just great to have a dream come true, and it's perfect not to have to pay. A pro account to a Flickr addict means much more than its face value, and well, of course, it made my day!

Tản mạn: Protection

Swaying in the summer wind

"Everyone needs protection," I said, in the weak light from my small lamp clamped on the bed's head board .
"No I don't!" she jumped up from the floor and curled into the blanket.
"You do, hon. You are defending yourself. It's self-protection."
And she was already snoring.

Protection. It's almost non-existent, but...

You have your purse zipped up and avoid ice-cream shops for one whole day after you buy a 1-grant-worth camera. The next day you think you've saved a lot.
You have a scar on your left leg, and when standing, you hide your left leg behind the right one, and lean your arms against the wall so that you won't fall.
You think a rose isn't a rose if without thorns.
You reckon that a boy or a girl just tries, and always fails, to act cool when s/he doesn't have someone to date.
You have a pimple on your face, and you spend 20 bucks on a tube of concealer just to cover it. When you regret later, you spend quite an amount of time persuading yourself into believing that you will of course use it in the future.
And one day you feel low, you're scared as you suddenly realize that you can't think of any name to make a phone call to...

Have you ever noticed hair on a poppy's stem? It's protection. A flimsy tent could offer you a little protection in the storm, and a little is whole lot different from none. Life is way better off when you know protection is just around to be found.


I call it an end. It's done, finally.

Chin up
Chin up


Chocolate - eternal love

Two people expressed their love on one of my chocolate photo pages. As sweet as any couple could be, he then proposed to her, and in reply she said yes. I'm just feeling pure happiness for them, although I don't know who they are. Well, two people on a cloud.

They must be having a blast; I can't understand their feelings though. What does love feel like? Doesn't it sound like a corny question? You may cry, "Oh, I'm hearing a reprise, over and over again," but I meant differently. One might feel it in a certain way of his own, but he may not know how it feels to his lover. It's just like when you taste chocolate -- you feel bitter on your tastebuds, and yet another person says it's sweet. Have you ever really meant it when you say "How are you?"...

Flickr CY admin

A secret admin voting session, a secret discussion, and no hint at all. One sweet day, I, wearing a fairly stupid face in front of the screen and drinking fresh milk (see?!), received an invitational mail from Flickr; I said yes. And so, that's how I became a Flickr CY Admin. No salary yet instant glory - that's their motto!

That something you know


I put my wishes in an envelope
and hide it under my pillow
Wishes are forever wishes
upon the stars above
higher than rooftop snow

I send my hopes to sparrows
On their wings, they will follow
To the north
of moonlit seaports
To the south
where it’s never cold
Along a creek
that shan't sleep
On river banks
where seeds like to grow

I instill my dreams in a nature song
That joyful birds would sing along
That streams would murmur in their flow
And salt breezes would be told
of a rhythm on the leaves
a melody in my soul

aren’t only meant to come true
in a sleep, when the day’s through
A secret in golden sands might go
Yet in a day’s picture frame
an aurora ever glows.

Photo: Blue bike (ramblings)

Bikes are a great topic for photographers, perhaps because the vehicle is connected to romantic rides along river banks, under the shadow of maple trees, or on old cobbled roads in the drizzle.

I used to scoff at people who pointed their butts at the sky and took shots of bikes from various angles, from tires to derailleur. And yet one day I found myself doing the exact same thing when an old woman walked past me with a big grin on her face. Here is the product (not a good shot with a dreamy background as described, though), with an application of high key exposure. Anyway, this shows a fact that a photographer always adopts a very bad posture, so excuse me... ;-)

Sunday -- so rest for a while...

In sepia tone, suggested by im'art:
Sunday -- so rest for a while...

Photo: Gentle touch

Gentle touch

Đang có hứng mà mắt líp díp, giữ mắt mở vất vả quá. Cứ đặt tạm thằng con béo ú này ở đây hẵng.

Photo: Fruit for bro G.

So this is hot! You've got a new home, a stable family lifestyle, and your first birthday cake though you ain't a one-year-old no more ! Wish you a fruitful year - just like what we had today:

After-lunch pleasure

Yellow, go!

Dust off

One thing led to another, and the end of the chain is still nowhere to be found.

Watched sitcom "Ugly Betty", season 1, episode 1. No laugh, not even a smile. It's so real, she's right inside. Doggedly determines to follow what she wants to, though others keep saying that it's unreasonable. Breaks down when dream shatters. Has trouble dealing with all daily financial stuff, from small to big, with no job and an unrealistic career target. What's there to laugh? There's no fresh blossom or rainbow of a color spectrum or bird song or blue sky decorated with fluffy clouds to paint quite a spring picture. It's no comedy but a real tragedy to the character, if one's experienced it for just once.

Others have been telling me the should-dos. All of them are absolutely right, yet put into my reality, it's like someone's on the edge of a cliff which pierces into the sky and telling me, who's kicking hopelessly in a swamp, over the phone to practice bungee jumping. Oh boy, it doesn't matter what I am, whether I'm special, I'm persistent, I'm really bull-headed, or my ego is huge enough or not; and I'm in no way trying to prove it. There's one thing I do gratefully extract from these conversations - I should learn how to free self, and that, I guess I can only get from "a DIY store". It's about self, isn't it?

"Is your life collecting dust?"
"No more, I'm dusting me off."

Do you ever believe in something "written in the stars", in other words, fate?

Photo: Life!


"Orange is an orange
Orange is a carrot
Orange is the color
of the beak of a parrot"

* This shot followed an impulse buy of 20 tangerines for only one stomach. Too much of something is just as boring as nothing.


I did.

Tản mạn: On the new year's doorstep

Absolut-ly Red

It must be the special hustle and bustle in my city in the afternoon of a 28 Tet like today. There have been a lot of times when we don't get to enjoy the magical 29 Tet (I haven't the faintest idea about the lunar calendar, so don't ask me why); however, to me, when it comes to Tet, 28 is just about equal to 29. Once they all meant eagerness and jubilation.

Have I ever said that I hate shopping? Yet I walked around shops yesterday. Almost all places are blanketed in the festival ambiance, but in this country the ambiance is the same on any holiday - National Day, Mid-Autumn, Christmas, New Year... you name it. It is simply not Tet, despite the fact that shopping centers are decorated with red ornament (they try to make it Chinese, it looks pretty much like X'mas though), and that hundreds of queues in front of cashiers are showing myriad smiling eyes and rosy cheeks.

Around the cannot-be-any-smaller table where I'm sitting, apparently it doesn’t appear to be an extraordinary day. Out of the window, cars and buses are running, the neighbors are as reserved as they've always been, and few weak rays of sunlight are trying to pierce the falling dusk. Inside the house, time stands still.

I've been burying myself in "The Time Traveler's Wife" since early morn', and the prelude goes, "It's hard being left behind... It's hard to be the one who stays. I kept myself busy. Time goes faster that way." I'm helping myself get used to the sound of suitcases hauled off along bricked paths towards cab stands - undeniably, it's always nice to be home, and so, hard to resist thinking about it when you're alone in a big house. I used to scoff at the thought of holing up in a corner on such a big occasion; yet now I'm looking at my impractical shoes, small purses that can't even hide a folded umbrella, shrugging my shoulders, and for no reason I like the ideas of continuing to give myself a haircut while waiting for the kettle to boil, of having a simple dinner with bread, pickles, and a mug of milk, and of leaving my hair damp from washing while crawling around the house to find something to shoot with my old-fashioned camera. It sounds pathetic, but unexpectedly those are the things that can now pierce me with some excitement.

It doesn't feel like Tet at all. When something is in the air but not in your soul, it isn't what you might want to live for. I'll let my attention wander for a while, and who knows, Tet may be back soon. Very soon.

Photo: Carnation

To remember by...

(Given by the audience - Gentle Night 20-01-2007)

Everyone made the night
A bouquet of fragrant carnation flowers made it last
Something to remember by
Something to color the dark...

Photo: 2007

Bowls of joy...

2007. All I need is some soup!